Sunday, April 5, 2009


I love Disney movies. I'm talking about the little kid cartoon movies like, The Little Mermaid or Beauty and the Beast. Great movies. I love those two. Although, I think my absolute favourite Disney movie has to be The Road to Eldorado. Fantastic. "On the trail, that we blaze! .........On that trail, that we blaze!" Good times, good times...I think that part of the reason that movie in particular is so good, is because there are jokes or certain lines in there that can be enjoyed by not only little kids, but teens and adults as well. I think that if it didn't have that, it wouldn't be nearly as popular. It would be like the stupid videos that little kids want to watch again and again and again while you just want to do something, anything, else. Don't get me wrong, I love some of those. Maggie and the Ferocious Beast is pretty damn amazing, but there's not a lot to it and it gets old fast. So I love movies like The Road to Eldorado or Shrek because they don't just focus on that one age group (kids), they try to spread to as many age groups as they can and the movies are enjoyed by lots of people...I think I should go watch The Road to Eldorado now...By the way, this was not supposed to sound like a commercial/advertisement. I just noticed it sorta sounded like that now. My bad. I'm just ranting...Basically to myself too...

Saturday, March 28, 2009


Is it just me, or is boredom really boring? If there was a realm for boredom, what would it look like? Maybe it'd be an office with boards boarding up the windows and there would be numerous history teachers (Professor Binns) and bad/boring math teachers (Mr. Boustead)...That sounds awful. To me anyways. I'll probably add more to this realm of boredom later, but right now, I'm bored with it.

Friday, February 13, 2009

I'm back!

Okay, so, I haven't been gone long actually. It's only been a little bit over a week. My computer's been broken, so no blogs. :( I know that my two followers were completely crushed...-_- Or not. Oh well. If they pay attention r not, I'm back! I really don't have much else to say....Except, "Meat is murder, but murder is also murder." That's all for now.

Monday, February 2, 2009


I was sick yesterday and, unfortunately, am still sick today. It sucks. I don't even have any Halls left. I had to go to school even earlier to drop off a project and get the homework of the day. Yuck; very much in the way of not fun. I still haven't started that homework yet though...Oh well. I have my trusty tissue box next to me so it's not as bad as it could be. Before I forget to mention, while I was at school getting the homework that I was going to miss, I ran into my partner for the Biology project. I think I might wring her neck.

In my Biology class, we had a project about biomes. Everyone had an assigned biome, ours was rivers & streams, and had to write a 3 paragraph summary, have pictures, facts, names, and niches, of at least 3 animals and 3 plants of the biome, have a food web for it, show where it is on a map, and have information about the temperature, average climate, and weather. I was supposed to write 1 paragraph and work on the second with her while she wrote the third one by herself. On Thursday, our last day with the computers, she had written a few sentences that made no sense and were full of grammatical errors and said that was her paragraph. She's really bad at writing so I basically took over the summary to save my grade; if I handed hers in, I would fail most heinously. I had found pictures of a food web and maps while she was supposed to be looking for that but obviously figured a better use of her time was to look at puppies and rappers. I mean, seriously, what the hell? It's supposed to be a group project no matter how much I wanted to work alone; I just was grouped with her. So because our biome was rivers & streams, the temperature, climate and weather would be easy, it just varies a lot, I said I would do that no problem and I could put the poster together over the weekend; I have stuff that could make it pretty. She brought in a lime green poster. For a rivers & streams biome...All she had to do at this point, was to write up her things on 2 animals and 1 plants and bring it in for me on Friday. Not hard; I could even be in bullet point so her poor writing wouldn't be a huge problem. On Friday, I saw her walking in the halls in the morning, but I guess she just decided to not show up for Biology, so I didn't get the one thing she was supposed to do for the project. I had to do everything while she did nothing at all except bring a lime green poster board. Best part, when I was on my way out of the school, she came up to me in the hall smiling and said, "Did you finish the project?" SERIOUSLY?!?! I had to try hard not to punch her in the face. I swear though, if she says one negative word about the project, it will not be pretty; I think I'll explode.

Alright, I'm done complaining...About that anyways. My foot has fallen asleep so I'm hitting it against the desk. I swear it's going to hurt when it wakes up. :( This is my longest post yet though I think...

Sunday, February 1, 2009


I've just recently noticed something about my blog; all the times are wrong. Everything that says "___ posted at __:__" are about 3 hours off. The one written at "12:06" was written closer to 3:10.

"Ponderings of a Duck"

So I have discovered one of the most amazing blogs in all the history of this year. A friend of mine has started a blog called "Ponderings of a Duck." It is legendary!! Anyone who actually bothers to read my blog, should read this one too. It's...interesting. In a good way though. :) Her blog may be a tad bit more serious than mine, but right now there's only one post, so it can not be judged unless you jump to conclusions. I already have, but I'm not going to say the true oppinion I've jumped to other than "I love it," because if you read this later, what I said may not be true anymore.


How is diving a sport? It's just showing off when you fall.